Product Description
The Alternative to Disc Springs
- one-piece, force-certified machine element
- Error-free and low cost for assembly and disassembly, lubrication and maintenance
- not dissociation into individual plates possible
- individual characteristics can be economicallyproduced
- cross section can be customized
- long life time
- process reliability
- 100% force check at function length
- Excluded stacking faults
- top level of force and security even at spring break
- no wedging items
- no fretting o at least fretting minimized
- radial stability even without a guide
- for short springs positioning is enough; no guidance necessary
- also possible in top stainless steel (for long life and static applications)
Typical areas of applications are
- tool and workpiece clamping in machine toolbusiness
- cable clamp with spring energy store in cable cars
- preload and length compensation spring in machining industry
- compensation and return spring in conveyortechnology
- damper and bump stop in packaging technology
- high power switch in electrical engineering
Payment Terms︰
Lead Time︰
6-8 weeks
Product Image